
replace this pain

hurt that can never be heal,pain that can never be stop only a person strength thats only can hold it feeling are so deep that can never be save by anybody.if I can I wanted to run far far away from this place that always brings me those hurtfully feelings is there anybody that can understant this? if only you become a part of me then you would know this feelings.God why can't I separate from what I have done I want to leave those memories away from me.T.T Dearest friends are you really my friends or you were just there to make my feelings worse than ever..I feel like ending this life but I have not complete my quest that Im searching for..can I just remove this heart and continue living with no heart with me? maybe that would be better rigth?

lost love

sacrifice every single moment for the sake of people happiness,I am just like a something that were use to death and revive just to feel this hurtfully feeling..If its for happiness I won't mind doing it cause Im use to it.but the question is until went am I goin to do this?when is my happiness coming?or am I just have to live every single moment of my life sacrificing for people..I hope the love that Im waiting will find me one day cause I knew she will be the one that will bring me happiness..



I really hope Japanis ok.please people,help Japan in anyway its a beutiful country it is also where animefreak were born so please help them in anyways T_T  (Special Thanks To SMOSH)


fate with fang

was it fate to meet you or it is just an illusion to hurt me even further.I really wish to make you happy then why must you leave me in this sadness.Isit my fault that everything has change this is not what Im looking forward too.maybe I shall look forward on something different than happiness maybe fear or maybe hatred.why do people love hurting others ,why..I have an question,can u feel my heart?


should I change ?

today I learn alot of things from the people in my class as its really strange but I think all of them change in the instant I could not describe how is the change but really I felt really strange as if I really don't really need for this world,would there be somebody in this world who will come to me and call my name to awake me from this curse dream that I have been put for such a long time?I really feel that someone will really come for me but honestly no one would.even thought I am like this but still I like the way it are I am not sure if I would really adapt the change me,hmmm maybe this should be better.this would be a better place for me to stay alone and its really gonna feel better with no one around.yeah..maybe.... (showmethelight)

a song that describe my heart

this is the only song song that can describe how my heart feels, so hear this song and you will feel how is my heart is feeling everysingle day of my life..its been more then 2 years that I listen to so it will remind me of myself so yeah enjoy(myfirstvideo,onblog)

Part 1: (Because of limits)
Caught in the dreams of yesterday,
In a world so far away,
Show me that love is here to stay,
Can we find another way?
Please take me far away,
To the world of yesterday.

Part 2:
I wait for my dreams to come true,
It's another part of you.
Turn back time and you'll find,
You're always on my mind.
You be here,
And I have no fear,
The time is right just show me the light,
You show me the light.

Part 3
Maybe I'm too blind to see,
There's no chance for you and me.
But you're always in my heart,
And i knew it from the start.
Just come back to me and stay,
We'll find another way.


save me from the dark !

S.O.S,Im hurt with fear,I need help for this darkness that taking over me,will you there save me? or will you just leave me here suffer like this forever till Im gone from this world?am I really taking over cause Im not strong enough to self control myself am I lacking of something ?I think I know its just wrong for me to start a new leaf and bloom a fresh flowers..I think I should not change anything just be myself like the old days will that help me?omg..WHY!? *idon'tknowwhatiamsayingIamjustdyingfromtheinside*


true friends

hmmm..true friends won't leave you alone ,true friends won't let you go so easilly ,true friend will always protect you when you are in trouble ...for those who have been cheated by friends  those u called friends are not your real friends they are just worms that are using you for their fun and don't even bother to care for your feelings inside..leave them regain a new bloom your flowers make this flowers as your protector for your heart and make true friends as your protecter that will always protect you from bad things or conflict..for me those who are my true friends,I will protect them even if it cost my life true friends are not easy to find they are something we had to earn and if we earn our our friend trust don't ever let it go hold it cherish it with your life because true friends are not something that can come in and out so easilly ..cherish your true friends protect them as how they protect you fight for them as they fight for you don't let go this trust ! once its gone it will be gone forever ,friends are easy to find but not true friends trust me.I will fight for my true friends you want to hurt them you got to hurt me first Jerk!


rain rain rain

WoW ! today's rain awfull it was like really heavy that my corridor was flooded O  M  G  anyways for me that was a rain of two bonds are about to break they fight for the right and wrong and its like me fighting for my right to get rid of my sins would it be gone one day? or must I fight this alone?

what a day

hmmmm.... this few days I really feel that it is so bored to hell I can't really do anything at home even outside T.T and most of all I still haven't start planning on my cosplayT.T haiiyooo should i start it tomorrow? or today haiiyoo so bored with stress and alot to think of...


bored day -.-

hmmm today did nth so much sit down here like a stupid boy with no hope in life haiiiyyoooo!


dotdotdot . . .



contact lens o.o

waahhh! just bought 2 pair of contact lense 1 pair is black in colour and another is orang yellow kind of colour haha ! on friday gonna take my yellow orange contact and just now I used the black one first time lol ok lah just feeling uncomfortable a little but yeah my eyes now red -.-


This Week Star Anime!

WoW ! this week star anime is going to be great! K-ON OWN the stage!! so now I proudly present K-ON to the Idol stage for this week ! Congrats K-ON! ( Next week star idol will depend on your vote so VOTE for the best!) Next week theme Gundam!

what day is it ?.? huh? today? what day is this? monday? huh? why? what is wrong with monday? haha! Its my Birthday! lol haha even i hate my birthday my friends are they to say Happy Birthday to me awww love you guys!but wait sister I want my present please! ^^ Happy birthday to you!,Happy birthday to you!,,,Happy birthday to ApizHelios WhiteRockStrength!,Happy birthday to you!! Wooo! haha


cosplaycosplaycosplay any idea ?.?

hmmm...this i wish to cosplay this but the black one and of course not a female but a male version and the white one I still don't know who want to cosplay that(They are characters from Queen's Blade Rebellion Eirin and Ymir) easy to cosplay this but only the weapon need to make and it will be kinda hard if there's no material that I need-.-


advance awesome birthday ^^

KONICHIIWA!! today my friends celebrate an advance birthday for me and its was so sweet and awesome I really appreciate that alot thank you my friends(Azmie,Danda,Narahj,Sufi,Mahirah,Liping and finally Junhong even he can't make it to eat with us he still come for awhile to see us and I appreciate that so much)at first eateateat was so happy but suddenly I felt something fishy is going on because everybody was so queite and a birthday song was play at the Seoul Garden restaurant I was like OMG!! are you guys serious! haha then the manager came and pass the birthday cake to me and i was like awww so sweet of you guys I almost cried haaiiyooo!but still someof them gave me a birthday present and I wanted to said you guys are the best birthday present I ever had I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

(Thank You Seoul Garden too I love You guys there)


history repeats its self T.T

T.T ..maybe tears won't do any good to help me recover my heart,will crying blood recover it?am I born to be alone ? or am I just not suppose to be here in this world ,life is so hurtfull only some who understand this will only know pain but I think no one will understand this feeling.its really worst then a gunshot in head but its like a war going on on earth but imagine the earth is your heart..I wonder would it be peacefull if the world does not have me in it?


boredom strike so deep XD

waahhh! today so bored like! urrr nevermine don't want to say it haiisss....-.-blablabla I feel like begging for fun omg!hmmmm looking for contact lens shop and you know its hard because its Chinese New Year -.-arrrrrrrrrgggg....please save me from this boredness!PLEASE!


happy family =)

hmmm..tonight had a great time with family,went out eat and my sister offered us to take a picture at the arcade photoshop .awww so sweet !hmm.. not everyday we can take this type of picture with the whole family due to work and school everyday..(I will put one of the best picture in the photoshop below) and so I hope to have times like this again because this is when we can talk to each others nicely and had fun together.

your action speaks louder than your words always said that you love anime ,but from the looks of your action I realize alot of thing about you,the most thing I can see about you is that you are trying to show us that you are not interested in anime and trying to say anime suck.also if you are a true anime friend you will not hurt our feeling and will comfort us but instead you offended us and also insultted us with you sinsfull word that you didn.t think before you speak!I am just saying this because I want you to ealize your mistake ,I will kept myslef silent but this silent dosen't mean that you can step on our the end of the day all you can see is we are all please remember that ..respect your friend and they will respect you back.


test test test @..@"

today today today so so so bored bored bored,do do do test test test all all all the the the way way way,haiiyaa! math test and social studies test wahh its making me a headache ! and of course Im having trouble doing them but as you can say i believe in my work and I have faith in them =)not to forget the ,first teacher to ask me why I love Japan ! isn't the answer obviouse? It is because I am a ANIMEFREAK! haha!! but some of the china student in my class said they hate japanese as they are so cruel la and so i said to the teacher "I believe in second chances" haha even Japan do alot of things bad to us during the old times but we humans are not perfect just move on would be the best choice and start a new =)


my inspiration

my inspiration is to be a great Drummer like my idol Rina from SCANDLE & also like Ritsu from K-ON!^^ they inspire so much and i wish one day i would play the drum just like them and FYI Im a beginner Drummer and I hope I will get more experience so I can be just like them!^^
(Top Ritsu from K-ON)
(Below Rina from SCANDLE)

bad day or bad luck -..-

today when to skool as usual study do work like normal day but someting suck happen,firstly on my first lesson the teacher kept on picking on me but still im okay with it as she apologize to me and said shes sorry but shes not picking on me but wanted me to realise my mistake i do in class,come to think about it actually shes right and of course i accept my mistake and i will try to improve on it heehee!^^ next lesson i can tell you like WTH haiss end of that lesson i left my pencil box at that class and i only realise it when Im at the next lesson so no choice next lesson just need to see wherther its ther or not but luckily its there WoW ...a miracle just happen -.-hmm next last period arrrrggh! hate it teacher caught my friend taliking to me haha he was send out and i and the person beside laugh like what haha but i fell so bad also la haha!(I also got feelings ok-.-)


plan plan plan x.x

Put aside alittle of school life and get into Cosplay now..Planning on my Rindou cosplay as usual and also helping my friend plan on his cosplay as God eater character Soma (picture below) hmm one thing not easy about this cosplay is about the sword as you can see from the picture below their sword are long and also huge WoW can imagine it and come to think about it I maybe need to use atleast four pieces of cardboard or maybe more? who knows n I need to restore my gluestick T.T as it is finish lol haha!So yeah item I need for my cosplay would be [Contact lens(red),Coat,Glove,Shirt(black),Jeans(black),BeltChain and finally Boots(black)]

a past that I would not want to be repeated

Freaking bored to death here,raining,homework and bored..hmmm.. when is the rain going to stop? I can say its been two days straight thats it is raining..I wonder is someone out there is deeply crying and I wish it is me coz im sad too..
Let me tell you something,I sometimes felt that Im lonely that people won't talk to me
I can also felt that whatever I do will just be a waste because no one would even care
I felt unappreciated by people and this feeling of hate turn to sadness and this sadness is now beginning to take over and its wrong to like it but i love it..but now I don't wanna be like this I wanna change I wanna have true friends thats always be honest and truthfull to me,is this a wrong feeling ? or this is just things that i would not get ? sometimes I tried to earn this but it will just make it worst..maybe I am born to be alone and to feel this unreasonable feeling is this true? Will there be hope for me Will anyone come up to me?
I am just waiting here..


Cosplay Event.

As you peoplae can see theres an Cosplay event coming this March & April and of course I want to cosplay too! haha! I have already decide on my cosplay and now I am planning how to make my cosplay its kinda hard to find things here in Singapore but i will try my best to find it no matter what!
FYI:I am still new in cosplaying and yeah you can say this is my first time cosplaying!
My friends will be joining me to these cosplay event and some will cosplay too!haha!
come to think about it maybe on March I will not be cosplaying as the short of time but on
April I WILL! The theme that Im cosplaying is God Eater Burst Character: Rindou!
This is not an Anime show but it is an Anime game so yeah When theres Anime There will always be ME!^^!I will put up the picture below on God Eater Rindou !

a past of a love story

Used to be a Romeo til' I found my Juliet
Now I don't roam no more,
And all my love she gets..
She come from a different place,
I come from the other side..
Even though we not the same,
That girl she changed my life, oh my Juliet.
I finally found ya.. oh my Juliet.
I finally found ya.. my Juliet.

It's like a fairy tale .. that we all know so well,
And I'm so lucky that I found her, oh.
Its like a fairy tale.. that we all know so well,
And I'm so lucky that I found her, ~Jason Derulo~
                                                           ~She flies me away~

From these words a story will rise apon the deepest
part of your heart<3 You can never reject your heart from
Loving someone but you know you will hurt them if you lost the feeling of love when you get bored or your truly hurt so to speak..a advise for love is just to remember this words~
"its ok to admire then to love" you will understand this words when you realise it.Im telling you moving on is one of the hardest thing to do in life trust me~